
Archive for November, 2008

A father sized hole

Yesterday I read a book called “Chasing Fireflies” by Charles

Martin. It was wonderfully written, an engaging and exciting

story, and it broke my heart more than once. It also raised

some intriguing questions – one that I’d like to process here

– about parenting and fathers and faith.


I’m not going to tell you about the book other than to

explain that it is fiction – not some sort of religious

self-help manual. I think this is one book that is valuable

enough to encourage you to read and think on on your own. I

also think this question is one that has been asked by

millions of people over all the years of the world.


The author talks about how all boys are born with a hole in

their middle. A hole that needs to be filled by their fathers

and when it is not, is often filled with destructive things

like addictions. (I’m sure there is a similar corellation for

girls, but I happen to have a son so thats what I’m focusing

on). It’s not too far fetched… so my question is: When a

boy’s father is absent or inadequate, how can a mother fill

that hole? Especially when the boy doesn’t necessarily know

that his father is inadequate or even idolizes him to some



My current answer is – THE Father. Therin lies another big

question for me. I didn’t come to a relationship with Christ

until I was an adult and when I found Him (or rather, He

found me) it all just kinda clicked into place. At this

moment, my son is not terribly interested in learning about

God or attending church with me. There is no part of me that

wants to force him in any way and that leaves me in a

quandry. How do I show my son how much he is loved by his

Heavenly Father if he has no interest in knowing Him? And if

the hole inside of him doesn’t get filled with that love and

doesn’t get filled by his dad, what can I do? Is a mother’s

love sufficient?


Another thing – I do not want to raise a child with an

unhealthy dependence on me. I don’t want to be Marie to my

Raymond… if you know what I mean. It feels like such a fine

line to walk – which I guess is parenting in general




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